“We are moving into a new era. One in which we are remembering who we really are. That we are unlimited Beings – and a lot of effort is being put in to control us on every step. And it’s time to start realizing this and living from this point of awareness. We are not simply bodies, we are energy… energy through and through. The same energy as everything we see around us… and I mean everything.
We are brought up and educated to believe that the mind is everything, that our mind controls us, when in fact the mind knows nothing about what is good for us emotionally or physically. The mind is a tool for us to use, but it has no idea what makes us happy – we can only know that by noticing the way we feel in response to people, things, experiences. It is our feelings that tell us what makes us happy and what is good for us. And those things that make us feel good are telling us about who we really are. Which is what we are here to experience… except many have forgotten this. So let’s now start remembering that we are energy and start paying attention to our feelings, living from our heart and being who we were born to be. For that is where our true freedom resides.”
A while ago, I had the opportunity to pause down my life for a bit. I had the opportunity to take the longest vacation time (since my childhood) and to ground myself and reflect on my Life. How I changed in last 2 years and how my life has shifted. It amazes me – how one can change his/her life if one is willing to explore and get to know themselves.
We all are shaped by our experiences in our lives. And the memories, good ones and bad ones have permanently altered our perspective towards our lives and future. We are very much shaped by our experiences under different circumstances in our lives. If our circumstances were any different our experiences would have been very different as well and would result in a different memory that will remain with us forever.
We came back home after spending almost 2 years in England. I had the opportunity to see my home, hometown, special hidden places in nature, my loved ones through whole new aspect. Everything felt more vibrant, more colorful, beautiful, mesmerizing. And this were the sights – that I was looking at for decades – so known – but in a way very new.
I had the opportunity to spend lots of time on a beautiful Croatian sea side. We went to new places that filled our bodies with new memories, new ideas, where we could feel everything on somehow deeper level. Never ending beauty, harmony and love…I felt in Love with Life. We were also spending time with our family and friends. It is always interesting to get to know their worlds – their changes and their experiences that shaped their characters in this 2 years.
The beautiful island of Korcula.
“The choices we are making and the decisions we are taking have a long lasting impact on your life. They make us unique, put a bar of distinction between us and everyone else. Our lives are a series of choices we’ve made so far. We live with those choices for the rest of our lives. Whether we feel it immediately or not, our life is being shaped by the choices we are making in the present.”
So in this period of our lives, we choose to come back to England for few years. It is a journey we are going through, to bring us closer to the Life that we are seeking. It awaits us somewhere in the world. And meanwhile being here, we got to meet new people, explore new places, we are able to give our attention and energy to transform and plant this little seeds of our inner knowledge to people, animals and everything around us. We are able to gain new knowledge, to grow ourselves beyond what we were a week ago. And it is good to be back and create a different life for us yet again.
A path we are choosing is definitely not for everyone, but it certainly fills up our commitment to explore ourselves and the never ending possibilities one can find him/her-self in.
“When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.” –Greg Anderson